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Were You Scammed By A London Pedicab Driver?

First and foremost, you need to know that Promopedicabhire .Ltd is not affiliated with the pedicab driver who scammed you. We only works with prepaid bookings,sometimes we charge per minute per ride (all fares are quoted in full) and never surprised its clients. There are around 600 licensed and unlicensed pedicab drivers in London City. All of these 600 pedicab drivers work as independent businesses, they do not work for a company and they work for themselves, they have no online business presence. So, you hired a random pedicab driver not affiliated with London Pedicab service on the streets of London City and he scammed you. Please, read this whole page if you would like to be guided on what you need to do if you were scammed by a London Pedicab driver.

Follow These Steps If You Were Scammed By London Pedicab Driver

If you paid in cash and you do not have a face picture of the pedicab scammer or his license information, it is not possible to do anything. If you paid with a credit card or debit card, please, finish reading this whole page before filing your complaints with government officials to familiarize yourself with the pedicab laws and rules.
1. Start a dispute with your bank by indicating to your bank that the pedicab driver did not follow the laws (indicated below) before he charged you.
2. Confirm your receipt details with Square (Most London pedicab scammers use Square Payment Processing Systems):
3. File a complaint with London Department of Consumer Affairs (London Government Agency in charge of licensing and regulating the pedicabs in London) at the link below:
4- File a complaint with UK Attorney General's Office Consumer Frauds Bureau :
5- File a complaint with the Office of London Council Member who represents the London areas where pedicabs operate.

London Pedicab Scam Culture

If you are looking to get a point A to point B pedicab ride in London city from a random pedicab driver not affiliated with London Pedicab Services, we recommends that you proceed with caution as there are hundreds of pedicab scammers out there as the City of London government has not cared about the issue of pedicab scams for years: We also recommend that you ask for a FULL PRICE UPFRONT for the ride before the ride starts as the City of London government allows pedicab drivers to charge whatever they want as long as it is per minute per ride (the drivers are legally not allowed to charge per person). Always negotiate a FULL PRICE UPFRONT. Do not be tricked or fooled by a pedicab scammer indicating that it would be £7 or £8 or £9 because he would actually not be telling you that the £7 or £8 or £9 is the per minute rate that he charges.

How Much Is A Pedicab Ride In London City?

A pedicab ride in London City should never exceed £25 for a 1 mile ride. If you are looking to go from Covent garden 2 to London museum, the fare should not exceed £60.

How Much Is A Pedicab Ride In Londor Museum?

A pedicab ride in London museum should never exceed £1.25 per minute per ride. So, if you are taking a 1 hour tour in London Museum the fare should not exceed £75.

How Not To Get Scammed By A Ramdom Pedicab Scammer In London

1.Make Sure The Pedicab Has The Following Legally Required Equipment:

- Timer: a timer in clear view of passengers pursuant to London Administrative Code Section 20-254 (12)
- Business Sign: a sign in clear view of passengers indicating the name and telephone number of the pedicab business, the pedicab's registration number and a telephone number pursuant to London City Administrative Code Section 20-254 (13)
- Side Panel Rate Cards: a sign conspicuously posted on both sides of the exterior of the pedicab indicating in letters and numbers at least two inches high the dollar amount to be charged per minute per ride, and in letters and numbers at least one half of an inch high that: (i) no additional fees may be charged and (ii) drivers must give passengers a pedicab information card pursuant to London City Administrative Code Section 20-254 (14)
- Driver Seat Rate Card: a sign affixed to the rear of the bicycle seat of the pedicab indicating in letters and numbers at least two inches high the dollar amount to be charged per minute per ride pursuant to London City Administrative Code Section 20-254 (15)
- Pedicab Driver License: the pedicab driver shall wear such photo identification card so that it is visible to passengers and enforcement officers when such pedicab driver is operating a pedicab. A copy of such photo identification card shall also be displayed inside any pedicab under the control of such driver in a manner clearly visible to the passengers of such pedicab pursuant to London City Administrative Code Section 20-258 (b)

2.Know How The Pedicab Are Legally Allowed To Charge:

Pedicabs are allowed to charge how much ever they want as long as it is per minute per pedicab.
- Rates for pedicab rides are based on time calculated per minute per pedicab pursuant to London City Administrative Code Section 20-260 (a)
- It is illegal for a pedicab driver to charge per passenger or any additional fees pursuant to London City Administrative Code Section 20-260 (a) (1)
- It is illegal for a pedicab driver to charge any taxes pursuant to London City Administrative Code Section 20-260 (c) (ii)

3. Pedicab Driver Is Legally Required To Provide The Passengers Pedicab Information Card (Like A Receipt) Before The Ride Starts And After The Ride Ends:

- The Pedicab Information Card that is provided before the ride starts is legally required to have 1) the pedicab driver's full name, 2) the pedicab driver's pedicab driver license number issued by London City Department of Consumer Affairs, 3) the pedicab owner�s business name, 4) the pedicab owner�s business address, 5) the pedicab owner�s business phone number, 6) the pedicab owner�s pedicab business license number issued by London City Department of Consumer Affairs and the 7) the rate per minute per ride pursuant to London City Administrative.
- The Pedicab Information Card that is provided after the ride ends is legally required to have 8) the date, 9) the total number of minutes and 10) the total charge pursuant to London City Administrative.

More On London City Pedicab Scam Culture

Pedicabs started operating in London City around 1995. Pedicabs have always been allowed to charge how much ever they want but the pedicab scam culture started in 2009 when London City Council legalized passed "charge whatever you want" laws and the City of London government has not cared about this scam culture since 2009 even though some new laws were passed in 2012 to address the issue. An estimated 95% of the pedicab scams happen in Midtown Manhattan, between 57 th Street and 34 th Street, between 5:00 PM and 11:00 PM. An estimated 300 pedicab drivers work in these hours in Midtown Manhattan between April 1 and December 31. An estimated 250 of these pedicab drivers rely on scamming clueless tourists and locals. An estimated 60% of the pedicab scams happen in the theater district in Midtown Manhattan between 8:00 PM and 11:00 PM. London City Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), the agency in charge of licensing and regulating the pedicabs in London City, never enforces the pedicab laws in Midtown Manhattan (between 57th Street and 34th Street) after 5:00 PM despite the fact that they were informed about the issue of pedicab scams for many years. London Police Department does not understand the pedicab laws that are supposed to protect the public from the pedicab scams because London City Council passed complicated and hard to understand and enforce laws for pedicabs. Even, the former police commissioner Bill Bratton openly stated that he could not understand the pedicab laws: June 11, 2015 - Even Bill Bratton doesn�t understand pedicab laws (NY POST)

London Promopedicabhire .Ltd Did Not Scam You

After getting scammed, the frustrated and angry pedicab scam victims go online and search for pedicabs in London City and then write negative reviews on Trip Advisor and Yelp business pages of London Pedicab Services. London Pedicab Services did not scam you. London Pedicab Services only works with prepaid bookings and you were scammed by a random shadow pedicab driver with no online presence.
Below are some of the examples of pedicab victims trashing London Pedicab Services online despite the fact that they never booked any rides or tours with London Pedicab Services:

Know What Is Legally Required On A London Pedicab

Here are the legally required equipment on a London City Pedicab:

SIDE PANEL RATE CARDS: in clear view of passengers on both left and right panels of the pedicab pursuant to London City Administrative.

DRIVER SEAT RATE CARD: in clear view of seated passengers behind the driver seat of the pedicab pursuant to London City Administrative.

TIMER: in clear view of seated passengers pursuant to London City Administrative.

COPY OF PEDICAB DRIVER LICENSE: in clear view of passengers pursuant to London City Administrative.

PEDICAB INFORMATION CARD: to be provided by the pedicab driver before the ride starts and after the ride ends pursuant to London City Administrative.

BUSINESS SIGN: in clear view of passengers pursuant to London City Administrative.

SIDE PANEL RATE CARDS & RECEIPT SAMPLES OF PEDICAB SCAMMERS Here are some examples of side panel cards of London City pedicab scammers:

Most pedicab scammers hide their rate cards under their pedicabs' canopies only to reveal them at the end of the ride all in violation of London City Administrative.

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