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+44 7522 022000

Book a Rickshaw to your destination in town, Choose from a range of categories and prices to

Keep Our Community Green

Why Rickshaw or Pedicab Right Choice

Save Time

Many of you have limited time to spend in a spacific place, passing through on your one way to another, or are here attending a conference at different convention centers. We will accomplish within short time that help to save your time where it would have taken at least a full day.

Why one should go for Rickshaw advertising?

Advantages from client’s point of view

  • Reasonable prices for Marketing that means cost effective.
  • Value addition in your business
  • High exposure
  • Modern concept of advertising in the most recent times.
  • Mobile medium of marketing
  • Highly penetrative to the large segment of market.
  • Long term visibility
  • Durability
  • Transit Media
  • Advantages from end user’s point of view

  • Outdoor advertising benefits
  • Brand awareness
  • Brand
  • Advantages from society’s point of view

  • Environment friendly.
  • Non-hazardous to life of people.
  • Rickshaw/Pedicab Drivers and their families get benefited.
  • Expanding educational opportunities.
  • Easily approachable.
  • Reach Us

    +44 7522 022000

    +44 7522 022000

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